One Third of the Way There! THANK YOU!


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Jeni Hankins
Born-in-the-bone-twang – Sing Out

Thank you!

Thanks to your orders and tips, I am one-third of the way to recouping my costs from my latest recording projects! Today is Bandcamp Friday where the folks at Bandcamp waive all of their processing fees, so it's a perfect day to order my music. I would LOVE to complete my mission to reach $4200 to offset the costs of making my most recent song collections! I would be grateful if you would order my music or show your solidarity with a tip! To read a detailed letter about why I am asking for help, please travel to my website.

Since I sent my letter speaking last week, I've had wonderful letters in return which gives me courage to continue to ask folks to join in solidarity with me and support my work. These messages reminded me that there are folks out there who want to see me survive and flourish as an artist! I felt very intimidated by my own fears and negative thoughts to ask, so your positive response has been a relief and a joy. Thank you!

And as these comments below will attest, I am happy to sign and gift-wrap CDs for any occasion just send me an email or let me know in the notes section of your Bandcamp order. Any of you who follow me on Facebookor Instagram know I love wrapping things!

When I was feeling very lonesome a few years ago, I wrote a song called "I Could Use a King Word" which is on my Homecoming Queen record and on YouTube. I have been so excited about these kind words which came through the internet to me this week:

"Hi Jeni!  You know I have been enjoying your songs so much.  I think Oxygen Girl is great!  Apart from anything else they are very original in many cases and sung with such feeling." MJ, Isle of Wight, who bought my entire digital discography!

" I never know what I like best: the soulful and spritely music (I have a nephew who is going to love The Wondarium!), your sweet notes, or the wrapping of the package! The truth is that I love them all best--and celebrate and are thankful for you being in my life!" – GG in North Carolina

"Just wanted to say a big thank you for sending over my Dad's CD, complete with a card and wrapping paper.  And also for the 'I Fell Into the Fire' CD.  I love the beautifully designed lyrics sheets that comes with it - this is something you definitely don't get with Spotify!  I can't wait to listen to it.  Thank you so much Jeni." – MP in London

"HI Jeni, I applaud you on your very honest email about how to generate money as an artist right now. I just finished reading Vandana Shiva's Oneness vs the 1% and it left me really fired up about making sure that we support the communities we have and invest directly in the things we value." – MS in Washington State

"We will always support your music!" – OS in Virginia

"Here's an order and a tip! Honestly, I don't know how artists make a living these days." – SL in Vermont

"Hang in there, Jeni. We love your music. We hope you get a massive response to your message." –LC in Kent, England

Thank you, again, everyone, and MUCH LOVE and kindness to you!

Some folks don't use PayPal or aren't comfortable ordering things online, but still want to help. So, in England, they have sent good ole fashioned checks or used BACS. In the USA, they've sent checks to North Carolina in care of my Mom. If this is you and you would like to send money for CDs or a tip this way, feel free to email me and I will reply with the information you need. 
It's heartening that friends and fans have gone out of their way to help! Thank you all SO MUCH!
If you ever have any questions or just want to send a hello, you are always welcome to write to me.
Copyright © 2021 Jeni Hankins, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. 

Our mailing address is: 
Jeni Hankins
500 Westover Dr
SanfordNorth Carolina  27330


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