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  LETTERS FROM JENI HANKINS (PR… Carnival 0:00 2:06 Carnival Elephants and Candy Apples JENI HANKINS OCT 17   READ IN APP   Here’s a very rare song indeed! Billy Kemp and I wrote this song based on a story told to me by one of my big friends up on the mountain at Mawmaw’s. Roger Jackson was what we in Appalachia would call “a caution.” He was always laughing and telling a joke. He had a high piercing wobbly voice like he was alway speaking from under water. He lived down in Whitewood, Virginia, in a trailer along the Dismal River not far from where my great-grandmother rode horses and  foraged for bloodroot .  Roger could crochet and quilt. He made chow-chow, a kind of relish, by cutting up vegetables, putting them in a pillowcase, and letting them ferment out on his laundry line. He never let an apple fall on the ground and canned every one he could get from the trees. He said there was no sense in letting what God provided for free go to waste. Whenever, I visited my grandmother in b

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